Publications By Dr. Jessica Minahan


Educational Leadership
Minahan, J.  (2023). A Matter of Perspective. Educational Leadership. 81 (3)28-34.

Phi Delta Kappan
Minahan, J. (2023). Tackling Negative Thinking in the Classroom. Phi Delta Kappan, 105 (3), p. 24-30.

Autism Advocate Parenting Magazine
Minahan, J. (2022). Anxiety and Autism – Using Skill-Building to Improve Behavior in School. Autism Advocate Parenting Magazine, October 2022 issue. 32-35.

Phi Delta Kappan
Minahan, J., Ablon, S. (2022). A Skill-Building Approach to Reducing Student’s Anxiety and Challenging Behavior. Phi Delta Kappan, 103 (8), 43-48.

Educational Leadership
Minahan, J., Ward, S., Jacobsen, K. (2021/2022). What Can Teachers Do to Engage Anxious Students? Educational Leadership. 79 (4). 64-70.

Educational Leadership
Minahan, J. (2020). Updated and Republished: Maintaining Relationships, Reducing Anxiety During Remote Learning.  Educational Leadership. 78 (2), 20-27.

Educational Leadership
Minahan, J. (2020). Maintaining Connections, Reducing Anxiety While School Is Closed.  Educational Leadership. 77, 22-27.

Phi Delta Kappan
Minahan, J. (2019). Tackling negative thinking in the classroomPhi Delta Kappan, 101 (3), 26-31.

Educational Leadership
Minahan, J. (2019). Trauma-informed teaching strategies. Educational Leadership77 (2), 30-35.

Phi Delta Kappan
Minahan, J. (2019). Building positive relationships with students struggling with mental healthPhi Delta Kappan, 100 (6), 56-59. 

Educational Leadership
Minahan, J. (2018). Helping anxious students move forward. (Reducing Work AvoidanceEducational Leadership. 75 (4), 44-50.

Jessica Minahan Featured
Schwartz, K. (2016). 20 Tips to Help De-escalate Interactions with Anxious of Defiant Students.  KQED News.  Mind/Shift. April 2016.

Educational Leadership
Minahan, J., Baker, D. (2015). The skill-building lens: helping students with behavior challengesEducational Leadership.  73 (2), 68-72.

Phi Delta Kappan
Minahan, J., & Schultz, J. (2014/2015). Interventions can salve unseen anxiety barriersPhi Delta Kappan. 96 (4), 46-50.

Minahan, J.& Davis, K. (2015). Behavior, anxiety & dysphagia in public schools: anxiety-reducing, self-monitoring and self-regulation skills and strategies. Advance Newsmagazine.

Book Chapter – SAGE
Minahan, J. & Rappaport, N. (2015). How to reduce anxiety’s impact on behavior. In W. G. Scarlett (Ed.), The SAGE encyclopedia of classroom management (pp. 784-787). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications. (pdf)

Psychology Today
Rappaport, N., & Minahan, J. (2014). Be a Behavior Detective: Improving Prospects for Challenging StudentsPsychology Today.

Book Chapter – Breaking the Mold of Classroom Management
Minahan, J., & Rappaport, N. (2013). Cracking the Behavior Code: Effective Interventions for Students with Anxiety. In A. Honigsfeld & A. Cohan (Eds.), Breaking the mold of classroom management: What educators should know and do to enable student success (pp. 77-85). Lanham, MD: R&L Education.

Phi Delta Kappan
Rappaport, N., & Minahan, J. (2013). “I didn’t mean to …”: practical suggestions for understanding and teaching students with sexualized behaviorPhi Delta Kappan, 94 (5), 21-26.

Rappaport, N., & Minahan, J. (2013). Breaking the behavior codePrincipal. 92 (3), 18-22.

Phi Delta Kappan
Minahan, J., & Rappaport, N. (2012). Anxiety in students – A hidden culprit in behavior issues. Phi Delta Kappan, 94 (4). 34-39

Child Mind Institute
Rappaport, N., & Minahan, J. (2012). Breaking the Behavior Code, Child Mind Institute. 

Educational Leadership
Rappaport, N., & Minahan, J. (2012). Cracking the behavior code – Students who challenge usEducational Leadership, 70 (2),18-25.

Harvard Newsletter
Minahan, J. & Rappaport, N. (2012). Be A behavior detective: Improving prospects for challenging studentsHarvard Education Letter, 28 (3), 6-8.